Friday, January 11, 2008

The literally dead reader's society.

WooHoo! It's fryyyyy day. That means unlimited access to the net. Oh my sweet sweet lappy. How much i've missed you. I think about you everyday.

Right right, this week of school has been difficult, devastating and heart wretching. For one, i am really starting to pay attention to my school work and the teachers. I know, even my mum said its a miracle. A lot of people think i won't last. Well, i'll show you! Oh, and some of my DEAR friends have been complaining bout me CHANGING.

Say all you want. Save it for somebody who cares. I no longer do. I always did whats best for you and not for me. I sacrificed my time and did the things that mattered to you just to be able to fit in. I'm not doing that anymore. I'm moving on. Need to be myself.

Walking on eggshells all day long, its killing my feet.

Looking forward to getting Eat Pray Love from the bookstore this weekend and also Love in the time of Cholera. Supposedly the LOVE story of all time. Its about a love affair with a woman for 50 years. I am not sure exactly how that is great but it brought tears to Oprah so I'mma get it and try it out. I want this cover.

Eat Pray Love is truly a journey of self discovery. Its been on the charts for 35 weeks now. Hey, in need to get away from PS I love you. I don't see whats so great about the book. Awww, but it is funny.
Backpalming, i must master you.

1 comment:

TheJessicat said...

that book is great u nincompoop! =P aww just kiddin, u know i love u

=) btw, so ur cut away frm civilization till friday huh? =P whuich xplains why u missed out so much abt me =P