Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Day.

There was a rude awakening from my phone. Cherrian called! Great! She said she wanted breakfast and so i dragged my fanny out of bed and headed downstairs. She brought Derrick! Yippee! Pure joy and adds more fun to this day. We had dim sum and later headed to Kepong for a nice fruity ice kacang. Best in town guys!

At about 3 in the evening, i headed to get some snacks for tea and then went on for the committee CF meet. It was really good. We have a rough idea on how to get things done this year. And so far the activities are fun fun fun! (Dearest, you should join us!)

We're gonna have camp and we're gonna make t shirts. Oh and i'm on the worship team again. Nice. Guitarist once again. I hope i don't mess up. Gotta really buck up and practice more.

Dad just came home and he bought us like incredibly lots of sweat shirts and long sleeve shirts. He even got us an Adidas bagpack and Nike messenger bag! Yay! I get to use the backpack for school. Its blue in colour and looks really good. Hopefully my books would fit.

The down side of today is that my dad didn't get my mum the watch and necklace he promised due to unforeseen circumstances and got a Gucci bag that looks really ugly. I think mum was disappointed and threw a small fit. Yelled at my sis for awhile. Sigh, she was like an angel the past 3 days. It was bliss here at home for 3 effing days!

Sigh. Life at home is like a rollercoaster ride. I wanna just sit the damn bloody ferris wheel.

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